What is KIDDO?

Keep kids moving with KIDDO Gippsland

KIDDO is something fun, something different, something every child, parent and educator can enjoy. KIDDO makes it easy for you to help children develop the skills and confidence to be active for life.

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kiddo parent
Parents/Caregivers involved at a session
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Early learning
centre Sessions
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Community Programs
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Years of research

KIDDO supports you to nurture a love of physical activity for your child that will, quite literally, benefit them for life.

What's physical literacy all about?

It’s not just about the skills… but also the confidence, motivation and knowledge that will help them to be active for life.

KIDDO is built around the principals of Physical Literacy, which is about building the skills, knowledge and behaviours to lead active lives.

The principles are:

  • Physical

    The skills and fitness a person develops and applies through movement. This includes coordination, balance, flexibility, agility, strength, endurance and reaction time.

  • Psychological

    The attitudes and emotions a person has towards movement and the impact they have on their confidence and motivation to move. This includes confidence, motivation, self-perception, and self-regulation of emotions.

  • Social

    A person’s interaction with others in relation to movement. This includes relationships, collaboration, ethics, and culture in society.

  • Cognitive

    A person’s understanding of how, why and when they move. This includes safety and risk, rules, reasoning, strategy and planning, perceptual awareness and tactics.

Our Program
Early Learning

KIDDO Gippsland is the perfect resource to help you deliver the Early Years Learning Framework and build the confidence and motivation of your students at the same time.

Community Programs

Our sessions are run with a qualified KIDDO coach and include one warm-up game, three games that focus on our fundamental movement skills and 10 minutes of free play at the end for the children to use their imagination and come up with their own games!

Primary Schools

Something new is coming –  KIDDO Gippsland in Schools.
Keep an eye on our page to learn about KIDDO Gippsland in schools. 

Find a Program

Come join the fun at KIDDO Gippsland!

Change of Venue to Drouin due to Warragul Venue being unavailable for Term 3 & 4. 

Venue: Drouin Community Hub
Days: Tuesdays
Time: 10:00am – 10:45am

Venue: Gippsland Regional Indoor Sports Stadium (GRISS)
Days: Thursdays
Time: 9:30am – 10:15am

Venue: Gippsland Regional Sports Complex (GRSC)
Days: Thursdays
Time: 10:00am – 10:45am

Venue: Heyfield Community Resource Centre
Days: Thursdays
Time: 2:15pm – 3:00pm

How our sessions work

KIDDO Gippsland is 45 minutes of fun!

Our sessions are run with a qualified KIDDO coach and include one warm-up game, three games that focus on our fundamental movement skills and 10 minutes of free play at the end for the children to use their imagination and come up with their own games!

You will also receive a weekly take-home resource after every session you attend and exclusive access to our parent hub containing loads of physical literacy resources.

Sign up today and join our KIDDO fun!


We offer 3 different options to participate in our KIDDO Community sessions: 

Cost for a whole term: $100
A full-term pass includes 9 weeks of term 3. 

Cost per session: $14
Can’t commit to a whole term? That’s ok, just buy as you go! 

We honour the Victorian Governments Get Active kids vouchers for a two-term enrolment.

Use your Get Active Kids Voucher with us to receive 2 Terms worth of KIDDO Gippsland!

GippSport’s unique Activity Provider code is 3348454

Once we receive your voucher code and booking information, our KIDDO Gippsland coordinator will get in touch with you via email to confirm your booking.

The Team

The KIDDO Gippsland team are passionate about providing Gippslanders with inclusive and fun opportunities to participate in physical activity. Our Program Coordinator is dedicated to working with KIDDO Coaches to design and deliver fun and engaging sessions to provides kids with the confidence, motivation, skills and knowledge for continued lifelong active participation.

KIDDO Coach: Curtis McCann
KIDDO Coach: Kayden Scrimshaw
KIDDO Coach: Emily Sutton
KIDDO Coach: Bec Baxter
KIDDO Coach: Sherrie Lumley
KIDDO Coach: Emily Greenaway
KIDDO Coach: Izzy Hobbs
KIDDO Coach: Curtis McCann

KIDDO Coach: Curtis McCann

Curtis is our East Gippsland KIDDO guru and the kids absolutely adore him!
Curtis loves all things outdoors, he does heaps of mountain bike riding in the Summer and snowboards in the Winter.
The sports he loves most are Basketball and Volleyball.
When he is not in KIDDO world, he’s working full time at GippSport and loves spending time with his partner and toddler. 
KIDDO Coach: Kayden Scrimshaw

KIDDO Coach: Kayden Scrimshaw

Kayden joined our team in 2024.
He studied Coaching and Development and received a diploma at Carlton College of Sport with the Carlton Football Club where he gained heaps of coaching experience at AFL, VFL & Auskick level.
He has coached Under 16s and 18s Women’s football teams with the Northern Knights and has enjoyed doing some community coaching in Cricket as well 
Kayden will be our Bass Coast Coach and we know you will love him!
KIDDO Coach: Emily Sutton

KIDDO Coach: Emily Sutton

Fresh out of high school last year though SEDA College Emily has jumped straight into  our KIDDO program for 2024.
Emily has a big passion for netball, she loves to spend her time playing and coaching netball. She is a very experienced coach, having coached at all levels of netball, and is coaching currently coaching at Morwell East’s Under 15’s team. 
In Emily’s spare time you can find her at a netball game, either watching, playing or working with the Melbourne Vixens. 
Last year she had volunteered over 250 hours of her time and won the Netball Victoria’s Partnership award at her graduation.
A senior netballer, Emily loves to help kids learn sports, as she is very passionate about promoting good physical education to children and the wider community.
KIDDO Coach: Bec Baxter

KIDDO Coach: Bec Baxter

Bec is super excited to be apart of our team! She is keen to be teaching new skills that can be built on for future development in sport. 
When Bec is not in the KIDDO world you can either find her confined to the sideline of a netball court, whistle in hand, all in white, trying to keep 14 players playing within the rules of netball.
She also does Community Coaching with Netball Victoria. 
When there is time between, she likes to take her sausage dog, Tink, for a walk.
KIDDO Coach: Sherrie Lumley

KIDDO Coach: Sherrie Lumley

Sherrie joined the KIDDO Gippsland team in February 2022 as our Latrobe City coach. She is also our longest serving KIDDO coach. Her high energy levels make her a favourite with the kids!

Sherrie is a proud mum of two kids and has done a huge amount of work in the sport and recreation industry. As well as being one of our coaches, she’s studied at the Australian Institute of fitness which makes her a personal trainer and a fitness test assessor. We can always rely on her to get the kids running around!

When she’s not in the KIDDO world, you can find Sherrie exercising (which is no surprise) or at the beach! 

KIDDO Coach: Emily Greenaway

KIDDO Coach: Emily Greenaway

Emily joined the KIDDO Gippsland team in June 2022 and is our Wellington Shire Coach! She’s a local Yarram girl so she’s passionate about delivering our program to the kids in Wellington.

Before joining us, Emily worked in a range of industries. Age care, Hospitality, cleaning and even on the farm at home and popular camp site Forrest Lodge. Amongst all that she’s even managed to do a Diploma of Health at Deakin University.

When Emily is not in the KIDDO world, you can find her at the gym, travelling or at the Collingwood Magpies netball games. She’s a HUGE netball fan!

KIDDO Coach: Izzy Hobbs

KIDDO Coach: Izzy Hobbs

Izzy joined the KIDDO Gippsland team in June 2022 and is our Baw Baw Shire Coach! The kids absolutely love her!

Alongside KIDDO coaching, Izzy works in the retail industry and is also a primary school teacher. We don’t know how she has the time to fit in a University Degree, but she’s also currently studying a Bachelor of Health and Physical Education at Deakin University.

Izzy LOVES cows! So when she isn’t working (which is rare) you can find her on a farm or in a paddock hanging out with the cows or coaching soccer.


“I’m so excited to be doing this. I’m sad that we’re not doing kicking. I’m good at throwing so I can help my friends when we go back to kinder.”
“I hope you come again, I kicked the ball so high at home because you said kick with top”
“Why do you have to go home?”

One from the kids..

“I am so glad these games are all adjusted so my daughter can still participate with Cerebral Palsy”.

Definitely Inclusive

“She asks us every day, when is sport kinder?Last night she set up an obstacle course for her dolls at home” 

You have a fan!

“She joined in much more this week, thank you for your efforts.” 

She is Learning

“I’m a PE teacher and I think you do a great job. You connect with the kids really well. I only teach one year level, but this groups is so mixed, you do a really good job.” 

What a Program!

Excited for the next week. We have been practising heaps at home!

KIDDO Gippsland

Educator said that although all the kids parents can’t be involved, all the parents cam back the next day saying how amazing the program was. One child slept through the night for the first time.

KIDDO in an Early Learning Centre


Frequently Asked Questions

We supply just about everything! All you need to bring is suitable shoes to run around in and a drink bottle!

We ask that ALL parents/ guardians/ caregivers of the children STAY at our session. We strongly encourage you join in too!

Our ratio is 10:1. 10 kids to 1 KIDDO coach. There are times where we do need more than one coach, but each location is assessed differently!

For early leaning facilities, our ratio is 25:1. 25 children to 1 KIDDO coach as we ask that the educators join in on the sessions, or at the very least offer a helping hand to the children.

YES! All kids are welcome at our program! Our coaches have communication cards on them to make our sessions more inclusive. Our coaches have also been trained on how to properly teach physical literacy to children aged 2-8.

Not if you don’t want it to be! We would love to see you at all our sessions each week, but we understand that it can be hard sometimes! Which is why we have three options for you to choose from when booking.

  • Full Term: A full term worth of sessions!
  • Half Term: Half a terms worth of sessions!
  • Weekly: Pay as you go!

If there isn’t a KIDDO program near you, feel free to contact us using the enquiry form found on our website and we will do our best to pop up in a location near to you! We can’t be everywhere, but we can try! 

We are flexible and will work with you! We can do one of two things:

  • Refund you your money
  • Move your class to the next available week

Please make sure you send us an email so we can note down if you can no longer attend.

Yes! All our sessions are indoors. Rain, hail or shine we will be there. Some of our locations have an outdoor so if it’s a nice day the coach might decide to run the session outside rather than indoors!

Unfortunately, we cannot accept payment at the location. You will need to pre book via our website. We understand this might be hard for some people, sorry!

You can contact us via Facebook messenger, calling the GippSport office (03 51763020), sending us an email at kiddo@gippsport.com.au or via our contact us form on our website!  

Check out the FUN at our sessions!

Contact Us

Contact Us
Please contact us if you have any questions about our program.
We can be contacted via the form below  
GippSport: Head Office

Gippsland Regional Indoor Sports Stadium
Catterick Crescent Reserve,
Traralgon VIC 3844
Ph: 5176 3020
Email: KIDDO@gippsport.com.au

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